What lies in the depths of the ocean?

Modern man has made many discoveries when it comes to space: the moon landing, new planets, black holes, and whatnot. But things are not the same back at home. Of course, we know a lot about things that are above sea level, but we barely have any idea about what lies in the depths of the ocean.

The primary reason why oceans remain unexplored is because of the massive pressure due to the water column above. It is highly improbable that man would live through such pressure. In addition to this, it is pitch black down there. Sunlight can only make it to a certain level of the sea, and that is where the plants grow, and animals survive. Once you do down, it is more like a graveyard, either there is nothing, or there are things that you don’t know about. It is the mystery of oceans that makes them so appealing.

Who knows there might be some different kinds of animals down there, some might have been presumed extinct for a long time. The only way to learn is to explore.

Ocean depth a mystery

Here are some facts about what lies in the depths of the ocean:

  • Transparent Squid
    You must have seen a squid- that gooey, squishy thing that squirts ink. But what you haven’t seen is the transparent squid. Transparent Squid is believed to reside in the depths of the ocean. Transparent Squid is completely see-through; they are more or less like a giant glass bottle or a blown-up condom. But unlike a transparent soap bubble, these creatures can get through a lot of unfavourable conditions. It isn’t easy to spot these creatures since they are transparent. The only time you can see them is during the mating season because of bioluminescence. 
  • Frilled Shark
    The frilled shark is pretty rare as such and chooses to live below 5000 meters of sea level. It is known for its sharp teeth and characteristic body. There is little resemblance to the modern-day shark; the frilled shark is indeed scary. The frilled shark is considered to be a living fossil since most of its characters resemble the creatures which roamed the earth before humans. It is approximately 5 feet long. 
  • Giant Isopod
    These creatures thrive in the deepest, darkest, and the coldest regions of the ocean. They are primarily carnivorous and feed on the dead animals which fall from above. They can grow up to be as large as 2.5 feet. Their crustacean shell is what protects them from pressure.
  • The Christmas tree worm
    Sounds harmless, doesn’t it? In all honesty, it looks harmless too. It is beautiful, with blue frills all around it is sure to catch your eye. The frills are the breathing apparatus if the worm. It can easily be mistaken to be some sort of underwater plant since it has minimal tendencies to move.
  • Hagfish
    Many species of Hagfish live as low as 5600 meters below the sea level. These species are equipped to feed on dead carcasses that sink from above. They feed on their victims by locking their jaw and inserting their sharp teeth like structure. They can grow up to 40 inches.
  • Ribbon Eel
    Ribbon Eel is one of the most magnificent and remarkable creatures which lies in the depths of the ocean. They are long with trumpet-like nostrils. It is a transsexual being which shifts from male to female form. And the love the free ocean. If you confined the Ribbon Eel withing walls, they are most likely to starve themselves.
  • Blobfish
    Blobfish appears to be nothing more than just a gelatinous mass. There is practically nothing more to it. It seriously looks like a blob. It is not something you would like to have in your fish tank. It floats above the seafloor and feeds on the dead remains which sink.
  • Faceless Cusk eel
    It has no face and appears to be the inspiration behind dementors. It is a small dark-coloured creature that roams the ocean floor. It has a unique spring technique that allows faceless cusk eel to reach out and grab the prey and sink inside.

These are some strange creatures that lie in the depths of the ocean, where the sun doesn’t shine. If you wish to know more, you can visit these pages:


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