10 Helpful Tips For A Blissful Relationship

As social creatures, one of the foundational stones of our emotional structure is a healthy relationship. It is common for people to search for the perfect relationship which provides them with mental satisfaction. But to achieve this state of mind, you must also know how to preserve a relationship. Many times, the best of relationships wean out into boredom and the spark just dies out. The idea, thus, is to preserve the relationship that you build and keep it ignited through some basic steps. Here in this article, we will be providing you with some knowhow on how to develop the ideal relationship so that you can spend your days in emotional bliss.

Blissful Relationship

Tips for a good relationship:

  1. Relive the initial moments in your relationship: They say that there is a ‘honeymoon period’ in every relationship. This is when two people meet and are almost unknown to each other. So, during this early phase of the relationship, they have a lot to share with each other. The efforts to impress the other person are also much greater and thus the early days of any relationship are often the best times for the couple. The trick is to relive those moments in the later stages as well. For instance, one can simply jot down the things they did during the first few months and redo them with their partners yet again.

  2. Have some expertise on your partner: You can simply be a good listener and this will help you to learn about your partner in great detail. By detail, we do not just mean knowing their favourite food and colour. Learn about the things that excite them and make them happy physically and mentally. Instead of making it all about yourself, try focusing on your partner. Even if you do not appreciate everything they like, do them nevertheless as it is a sure-shot way to make them feel special.

  3. Communicate your wants: Often there is a great vibe between you and your partner and you feel that he or she would understand all that you want. In reality, that is not always a possibility. While you two can work it out to have a strong understanding of each other, it is still important that you spell out your wants clearly. This ensures that there is no communication gap that can later be a cause for the feud.

  4. Check on Your Partner: This might come as a surprise but even people who live together often do not take the time out to inquire about the well being of their partner. For instance, you can simply sit over a cup of coffee and ask your partner about their previous week. Learn the things that bother them and the problems that they are facing. You may not necessarily have a solution for the same but even listening helps a great deal.

  5. Inquire about their day: Many couples complain about not having enough to talk about each day. The solution is simpler than you would think. Discuss each other’s daily narratives after a long day at work. Share a laugh over things that made you laugh during the day and share your owes. This boosts the communication between the two partners and also is a caring gesture.

  6. Keep the spice alive: We do not imply here the sexy bedroom habits alone as there is a lot more to keep the spice alive between partners. There might be things during the daily rituals that make things better for your partner. Abiding by these is a sure way to keep things sexy and interesting between the couple. The chemistry in bed is also important and here too, communication is the key. Learn about the things that excite each other and have a gala time. The physical aspect of a relationship is extremely important and you cannot afford to ignore it for a perfect relationship.

  7. Break free from the conventional dates: If you are out on a date with your partner, it does not always have to be about dinner or a movie. There are plenty of other things that you can do to keep things interesting. For instance, you can go for a long drive together in nice weather. Planning for short impromptu trips to a nearby-destination for a one-day vacation is also a great idea for a special date. Sometimes, a date can be as simple as you cooking for your partner and then enjoying a movie you both love together at home.

  8. Solve a fight from the root: Fights are bound to happen in every relationship but it is important to discuss the same once it is over. It a terrible thing to keep things piling up inside you and then have a huge outburst. To avoid such a situation, participate in a healthy discussion after a fight. Get to the root cause of the matter and discuss what bothers each other. Unless a problem is rooted out, barely making peace with your partner would not suffice as the fight is sure to recur again in the future.

  9. Apologize Meaningfully: Sometimes you can feel that a fight was not your fault at all in the first place. But even then take your time out for a genuine apology after the fight. Feel remorse from the fact that right or wrong, you did hurt your partner. Thus, a sorry is not out of place at all. Put in a genuine apology with special efforts and there is no better way to put things behind you.

  10. Focus on Understanding rather than agreeing: You may not always agree with the views of your partner. However, it is important that you understand his or her point as well. It is the key to a peaceful and happy relationship that you agree to disagree over some issues and do so with the understanding of your partner’s wishes.


These are some simple rules to be followed to unravel the mystery of a perfect relationship. This being said, do remember that no relationship is perfect and it takes the combined effort and initiatives to make things perfect between you and your partner.

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