How to increase the immortality rate – unknown way out

If you look into the past, you will realize that there have been mass extinctions. And there was a time when humans had a much shorter life span. Today, an average man can live up to 80 years. Some go on to live beyond the age of 100 years as well. But there was a time when this could only be considered a dream.

In early civilizations, the life of human dwellers was subject to massive risk. Life was threatened by almost everything. There have been many pandemics like COVID-19 in the past, and the existence of humans has been severely affected. But now that we are older and wiser, we know what caused those pandemics.

Scientists are working day and night to improve the life of humans. And it is because if their research and hard work that we can spend eight decades here on earth. They go through years and years of data before concluding, and whatever they deduce is on point.

If you want to beat the system and live longer, here are some ways in which you can do that:

Mass immunization 

Mass immunization

If you look back, you will realize that the biggest threat to humans is germs and their diseases. Do you remember the cholera pandemic? Or the Ebola pandemic?

Those were some of the severe times that human civilization has gone through. And this is the reason why mass immunization has been put into action.

Many diseases can be avoided just by taking a vaccine shot. Although not all, most of these vaccines are very affordable. This is all the more reason to get vaccinated.

There are some anti-vaccine communities out there, and they have their points. But you cannot falsify that vaccines show positive results. They are the simplest and the most effective way to live longer.

Better maternal and child care

Better maternal and child care

Studies have shown that for a considerable amount of time, post-partum mothers and newborns are under significant threat. Childbirth is a natural process, but it does not mean that it is safe. Most mothers die within 42 days of delivery. It can be due to infection or some other complication related to childbirth. So if one aims to improve the immortality of the community, this is one promising place to start.

Better health care to both pregnant mothers and newborn kids can enhance their survival chances. It should also be noted that proper child care up to 5 years of age is essential. It ensures that the child has stable growth and improved life expectancy. 

Improved lifestyle

There is a significant difference in the people who live in the villages and the ones who live in crowded cities. You will realize that village folk has a better life expectancy. It is only because of their lifestyle. Their days are full of hard work and nights full of peace. It is one primary reason why they are naturally protected against things like obesity, liver damage, and diabetes.

A city dweller can also beet the algorithm if he chooses to incorporate more and more physical activity in his life. It keeps the body working and maintains a healthy internal environment.

Chemically enhanced food

Chemically enhanced food

Proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy livelihood. But just think about how many meals do you have in a day? And how many do you skip? Keeping this in mind, scientists have come up with many genetically engineered food supplements that will rejuvenate your nutritional resources in no time. The concept behind chemically enhanced food is to make sure that the body receives proper nutrition and is protected from malnutrition. 

And once malnutrition creeps in, it will invite many other diseases and ailments along with it.

Therefore, it is one of the safest methods to improve the chances of mass immortality.

These are some simple ways to improve your chances of survival. Immortality is more of a fictional concept, but you can at least try to make the best of what you have. Eat good, execute plenty of physical activity, and sleep well. Most people ignore their sleep, and this too can take a toll on your life. So give yourself some rest and make the best of what you have.

Here are some links to follow up:

Very Well Heath


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