Why do people think that Moon landing was a fake?

‘One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ What do these words remind you of? The biggest event that happened in the history of mankind. The moment when a small of our imagination came true, mankind landed on the moon. It was one of the biggest achievements of its time. Nobody had ever made it to outer space ever before. People were glued to their television screens to witness the initial steps taken on the moon.  

But a large population still believes that the moon landing was a fake. It is a more prominent belief in the USA. Back in the days, it was believed that man never went to the moon and it was all just a power play that tipped the scales of the cold war. And even today these conspiracies reside in the minds of many people.

Was moon landing fake?

Here are some reasons why people believe that moon landing was a fake:

It was all staged

People believe the moon landing was fake because of the intense war going on between the USA and Russia, then known as the USSR. Both parties had elaborate space plans. But as the cold war advanced, space exploration evolved from a simple mission to a competition. It is believed that the USA was about to lose the space battle and therefore it decided to film moon landing on a movie set. 

Most conspiracy theorists believe that actors were hired to place the characters of astronauts and a fake moon surface was created. But that does not explain how they floated above the surface, does it? 

The flag

The flag - fake moon landing?

If you look closely at the original moon landing video you will witness the USA national flag being planted on the surface of the moon. It is a real proud moment, but if you look closely you will notice that the flag flutters just for a moment while it is being planted by the astronaut.

It fuels the ‘Staged conspiracy theory’. It is because if you look closely, the flag almost appears to be moving under the effect of wind. But that is not true. The movement is a sheer result of the movement caused by the hands of the astronaut. Moon barely has an atmosphere and winds would barely appear on the surface of the moon.

Flat Earth Theory

If you crave conspiracies, you must be knowing that flat earth and fake moon landing go hand in hand. Flat earth theorists believe that we do not live on a giant ball. According to flat earthers we live on a plain surface that is surrounded by Antarctica and covered by a transparent dome. It gets crazier! Flat Earthers say that moon is not a giant body, but a small light in the sky. The sun and the moon are significantly smaller than portrayed and therefore it is impossible to land on the moon.

Other theories regarding moon landing, might seem a little genuine but this is no more than a theory. Flat Earthers deny the existence of outer space and this can prove to be a big hindrance in the progress of mankind.

Pop Culture

The thing that all people dwell on? Pop Culture. And expectedly, Pop Culture somehow prompted the idea of a fake moon landing. Ever since man has taken its first step on the moon, there have been many movies circling the concept that moon landing was a fake. They were simple works of fiction that turned the masses into believing that they have been lied to. They believe that thousands of dollars have been wasted into filming a fake landing that could otherwise have been used in helping the masses. The thing to understand here is that those movies are a work of fiction. They dwell on the impossible ideas but that does not mean they are true.

Fancy a second trip?

Fancy second trip to Moon

This is by far the strongest argument that fake moon landing theorists have. They argue that if we have been to the moon once, why haven’t we been there again? What is stopping us from making a second trip? The moon landing was back in 1969 and since then man hasn’t been to the moon per se. Many crewless landing has been achieved on the surface of the moon. It leads many theorists to believe that man didn’t go to the moon in the first place.

These are a few reasons why people believe that moon landing was a fake. If you want to know more about the moon landing, you should check out these links:



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